+1 vote
by (328 points)
I would like to know if the taints are automatically reseted when you kill Goshnar's Megalomania or if you need to talk to the NPC to reset them.

I mean, is it possible for a team to kill Goshnar's Megalomania 2x in a row (after waiting 20h cooldown) or they need to kill all other bosses before killing Megalomania again?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (60 points)
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Best answer

The taints are automatically resets when you kill Goshnar's Megalomania.

You need have the 5 taints to kill Goshnar's Megalomania.

There are three ways to remove the penalties:

  1. Get all 5 of them and defeat Goshnar's Megalomania.
  2. By failing to kill Goshnar's Megalomania, the last 2 taints will be removed, meaning 2 bosses will have to be killed again to regain access. The 2 bosses that must be repeated are random, but they are always the same for the team.
  3. Talk to the Flickering Soul about penalties or taints. Every time you gain or lose taints you need to wait two weeks before you are able to reset them.

