+2 votes
by (781 points)
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Is there a way to know if Furyosa is going to spawn before the demons spawn in the dungeon? I ask this because Furyosa spawned on my server yesterday and there was a big orange message that came up while hunting in the cave approximately 2 hours before she spawned. The message was about the ground rumbling and to my knowledge none of the monsters in there say that.
by (1,558 points)
That's an interesting question! Hopefully someone can clarify that.
by (781 points)
It was a very odd message. I never hunted in Fury Gate, only ran to check for the boss. When that message came up while I was in there hunting and then the boss spawned later I wasn’t sure if it was connected at all.

2 Answers

+6 votes
by (226 points)
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Best answer

You most likely saw this message, which bears some similarity to the one you described:

The floor vibrates as bizarre contraptions are being set in motion everywhere around you.

A friend of mine also recently saw it while in the Fury Dungeon:

This orange message is displayed when all of the Slime Fungus has been removed from the dungeon in the Mad Mage quest area. Since the Fury Dungeon is directly 5 floors below the Mad Mage's room, it seems like you are able to hear it from there. Furyosa did not spawn that day for us, so it was most likely a coincidence in your case.

by (781 points)
Interesting! I will have to test that with some friends the next day we have fury gate. Thank you for your insight!
–1 vote
It looks like your answer has received some downvotes. Don't worry, we will help you improve it!
The only way that many bosse hunters use to find Is it through website that calculate the last time the boss was killed thus generating a specific date to be able to look at when it will Spawn again with  a greater probability of finding it.