+1 vote
by (45 points)
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Its known that nemesis bosses disappear after a certain time, a lot of bosses like zarabustor, foremen kneebiter, big boss troliver, big bad wolf, etc... disappear after about an hour +-

But some nemesis bosses, that is a bag bosses, like tyrn, shlorg, the welter, stay for more time than de other bosses.

The question is: how long do this bag bosses disappear?
by (1,558 points)
I think your question and your description are slightly different. This should be edited for clarity.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (126 points)
On my experience with the Welter It stay 6 hrs before it desappear.

that was 5 year ago, i was hunting on that respawn so i have the exact time when it spawn.

and because on that tiem I dont have a bid team, and tibia, doenst have that much players i been there for 6 hours and it dessapear in front of my, I Cant tell you about the other bosses, but for the welter thats the time.
0 votes
by (95 points)
When a Nemesis Boss Spawn you have just one hour to kill it before they disappear