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by (934 points)
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I would assume that The Monster would be dropping the equipment items from The Cradle of Monsters Quest, but I cannot see any loot for this boss on the wiki.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (600 points)

Given how new this creature is, the data is still fresh and statistics are still being gathered. However, you can refer to other fansites that are also collecting loot data:

Tibiopedia.pl is normally faster to gather data and currently lists Platinum Coin, Ultimate Spirit Potion, Ultimate Mana Potion, Ultimate Health Potion, Red Gem, Green Gem, Yellow Gem, Giant Topaz, Giant Amethyst, Mastermind Potion, Bullseye Potion, Alchemist's Boots, Alchemist's Notepad, Antler-Horn Helmet, Mutant Bone Boots, Mutant Bone Kilt, Mutated Skin Armor, Mutated Skin Legs, Stitched Mutant Hide Legs.

Tibiawiki.com.br is normally more conservative and is currently listing only Mutant Bone Boots.

by (594 points)
There still may be some undiscover/not implemented items yet to find!