0 votes
by (11 points)
What would be the best way to research a quest when you've come to a halt?
by (2,564 points)
It would be helpful if you elaborated on what you are looking for in an answer or gave an example.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (16 points)
I would recommend using one of the official supported fansites such as tibia.wikia.com.
0 votes
by (3,843 points)
If you want to do a quest only using the game info you need look at everything books,npcs,chests and well anything from the place you are looking has a story but you need to search by yourself :)

If you don’t care about spoilers there is a lot of sites that can help you with most of the quests
0 votes
by (309 points)

The best way to investigate and spoiler yourself about quests in my opinion is 

Tibia Wikia   (tibia.wikia.com)

There you'll find a lot of quests and they actually have a page for this:

You'll see the location, reward, requiered level, recomended level, name of the quest.

Hope this helps!
