+3 votes
by (2,865 points)
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Today something strange happened. We went to check Zushuka but there was only ice cubes and 1 frost servant, but no sign of Zushuka. The chance of she despawned is almost zero because I checked 1 hour before this and my friend checked 20 minutes before this.
So the only thing I can think of is that the ice cubes respawned during or after she was killed, is it possible?

Edit: The boss was indeed killed
by (2,217 points)
I can't prove it, but from my experience I can confirm that Glowing Ice Cube can be there after killing Zushuka. I have had such strange situation too.
by (328 points)
If possible, please, check later if the site will add a death to Zushuka and edit your question with this info. It's an interesting observation that should be registered with the full information (if the boss really appeared or not).

1 Answer

0 votes
by (17 points)
Yes, it is, it happened to me after checking Zushuka and Shlorg. Just like the smoking coals needed to kill the boss Shlorg.