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by (109 points)
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I bought some house items with my noobchar instead my main and I can't use these items in my house ;_; Any way to change this? How to contact Cipsoft?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (2,564 points)
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Best answer

Unfortunately, refunds for store products under the furniture category are not possible.

Refund for House Decoration, Furniture and Useful Thing

Unfortunately it is not possible to refund Tibia Coins for items  from the House categories "Decoration", " Furniture", "Upgrades", "Hireling Services" as well as from the category "Extras - Useful Things".

Keep in mind that house decorations and furniture need to be purchased by the character that owns the house. It is impossible to transfer house decorations to another character of your account if you purchased it with the wrong character.

Hint: If you purchased a wrong service and now need space in your Store inbox or capacity, you can still store the wrongly purchased items in your depot.

Source: https://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=gethelp&entryid=136

by (109 points)
@Ellotris Guardian, Thank you for this answer, it seems to me that I will have to buy house with noobchar then. Appreciated your help, have a great day :)
0 votes
by (34 points)
As I know contact via support ticket is currently disabled,, but you can go to Tibia.com > Forum > Support Boards > Technical or Payment Support
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