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by (101 points)
Which Nemesis Bosses can I check using a low lvl character?

 The character would have a lvl between 8-30, using stealth ring.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (101 points)
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Hi! In this lvl range we can find some bosses. In some you won't face any monsters, some will need to kill some monsters, but nothing that is difficult at this lvl. Remember that most bosses can see invisibility, so you will have to run or die so you can kill the boss with the main char.

  • Arthom The Hunter / Oodok Witchmaster: Found during Mini World Change Voodoo Fever, when Hunters and Dworcs set up camp. No monsters can see you on the spot, only on the way to the camp.

  •  Big Boss Trolliver: Found in Troll's cave in edron, floor -3. No monster will disturb you.

  • Fleabringer: Boss of the Gnarlhound, found in three places in Zao. But to check with lol lvl, I recommend just the two caves where there are only Gnarlhound, who don't see invisibility.

  • Ocyakao: Extremely easy (and competitive) boss. You can leave the char on the rock with "hur up" or in the PZ to the north. Only access to Nibelor is required.

  • The Big Bad One: War Wolf Boss, located in Edron. Only Wolfs and Bats in the place, unless someone lures some other monster.

  • The Frog Prince: Another extremely easy boss, and extremely weak. Located in Thais, at the north exit.

  • The Old Whopper: Located in Cyclopolis, you'll only face one Fire Elemental on the way, which you can run through. The boss is just before the lvl requirement door. The path in Cyclopolis is unique there.

  • White Pale: There are only Rotworm and Carrion Worms in the cave. The boss sees invisibility, so I recommend you try to run or die for him. As there are three different places, I will also leave a link with a GIF indicating the paths.
  • Yaga the Crone: Boss located in Green Claw Swamp. There are Rotworms in the area, but when the boss appears, you will face Witch. Then try to climb the ladder to get back with the main character. More information at: https://www.tibiabosses.com/bossopedia/yaga-the-crone/
  • Zevelon Duskbringer: This is perhaps the worst in this lvl range. You'll be able to run to the boss's location, but almost every time you check you'll have to face some Ghouls. So get ready with some supplies. When the boss is alive, numerous Vampires will be in place, so the chance of death is almost certain.The boss is in Hellgate.

Good luck!

by (356 points)
Awesome! How about Foreman Kneebiter? you might face Dwarf Guard but could be easily managed
by (292 points)
I'd consider adding Barbaria to the list.
by (292 points)
Also Diblis the Fair should be on a list.
In the room that he appears are only 2 pirate ghosts which can't see invisibles.