+2 votes
by (398 points)
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What gives a faster respawn rate for a specific creature, it being the boosted creature of the day or it being part of the improved respawn rate area?

For example, if one day we have Wasps as boosted creature and another day we have Darashia as improved respawn area, in which day will the Wasps in Darashia respawn faster?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

Lee Kun explained and compared it nicely in the following question : https://www.tibiaqa.com/3229/how-does-the-improved-respawn-system-works

So basically respawn rates are as follows:

Base rate: 1x
Improved area: 2x
Rapid Respawn: 5x
Rapid Respawn + Improved area: 7x

Boosted creature@ 2x (please see CM's confirmation below)


> Can you provide us with any stats concerning the
> increased value of the daily monster? For the
> experience, will it be +% or x1.1/1.2/..., and how
> will this work out with prey on that respective
> creature?

Double XP, double loot and a two times faster respawn rate are applied to the boosted creature.
Additional bonuses such as prey or other events like rapid respawn, double XP/skill weekends will be applied on top of that.

Important note: "Note that additional bonuses such as prey or other events such as Rapid Respawn, Improved Respawn Rate and Double Experience and Skill Events will be applied on top of that. That being said, during these special events creatures categorized as Hard or Challenging in the Bestiary cannot be boosted as confirmed by CMs"


by (1,534 points)
that's a really interesting thing to know, thank you
by (398 points)
Yeah Lee Kun's answer was missing the bit about Boosted creature, which I couldn't find anywhere (search function is imho not working 100% correctly).
So Boosted Creature vs Increased respawn area gives the same respawn result right?
by (5,318 points)
If you go for boosted creature and even teaser about it- it does not says it is 2x times. However going on comments of the teaser, Burchan has explained it is two times faster. Added to the answer :)  https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=38496131#post38496131