0 votes
by (1,558 points)
Right now TibiaWiki lists the cheapest way to do this mission but I think nowadays most people don't really care with the amount of gold spent in this mission and just want to go through missions as fast as they can.

Considering with have Kazordoon wagons, carpets and other new features, what would be the fastest way to go through all cities and finish this mission?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (594 points)
I'm not sure where are you right now and assuming you've got all the needed items, I'll try to answer the best I can.
1. Starting at Kevin's place (if you're anywhere else I'll make a 2nd way), go to the South Gate of Kazordoon mountains (right pass the dwarf bridge).
Buy a ticket from the guard, use the wagoon, then next wagoon to get to the depot where NPC Lokur is.
2. Next just use the wagoons to get to the carpet and travel to Edron then straight to NPC Chrystal, above depot.
3. From Edron take the boat and travel to Thais then to NPC Benjamin.
4. From Thais, by the boat, travel to Carlin, to NPC Liane.
5. From Carlin to Ab'Dendriel to NPC Olrik.
6. Again by the boat travel to Venore where you'll find NPC Dove.
7. From Venore straight to NPC Kevin.

If you're starting in any city use this way:
1. In whatever city you start (besides Kazordoon, then use way #1) go to NPC in that city then make sure your last places to visit will be Edron and Kazordoon right after.
1a. If you started with Edron (I hope not) then get to Kazo and follow from 4th point in way #1 but instead to Thais, go to Ab'Dendriel (e.g ab -> carlin -> thais -> veno -> Kevin)
2. Get on boat and travel to Thais if you havent been there.
3. From there get to Carlin.
4. From Carlin traven by boat to Ab'Dendriel.
5. Then to Venore.
6. Boat to Edron.
7. From Edron get carpet to Kazordoon.
8. From Kazo take wagoon to south gate (dwarf bridge) and get to Kevin.

I hope I got everything right :)