+2 votes
by (19 points)
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Does anybody know how to get access behind this door?

I need it to discover Yalahar Factory Quarter in full and only this place is untouched.

by (1,534 points)
if im not wrong that door is from shadows of yalahar~
by (17,406 points)
Also, make sure you check the war golem spawn where you use 4 gear wheels. I haven't discovered this place in so long so not sure if it counts but worth checking

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (2,217 points)
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The question may be a bit confusing because you are writing about the Trade Quarter, and the map points to the Facotry Quarter. Anyway, you go through this door shown on the map when doing the Shadows of Yalahar Quest. The mission related to this door is called "Out of the blue".

Source: https://tibiopedia.pl/quests/Shadows_of_Yalahar_Quest

Ahhh my bad, but You solved it perfect, thanks for help!
by (1,534 points)
OP, consider modifying the question to help the community c: