+3 votes
by (1,533 points)

When we are talking with "Flickering Soul" who turns out to be goshnar himself, he talks about a wise soul who managed to taught him stuff brand-new for him, between the conversation with goshnar he says:

Then I met a wise soul. A teacher that did not lecture. I never was impressed by anything but my own accomplishments but the inner balance and peace of this soul, it did impress me. A lot.

Which could make us think about very few characters in this game (maybe one renowned traveler of Darama(?) but out of any hypothesis were interesting to know if there's any hint about the location of such soul or about what happened to it? there could be something out there in the wicked plains of zarganash that could help us know more about all this...

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (230 points)
While I think there is no concrete answer to your question, I tend to suspect that person may be Daraman (the prophet) himself.

In the history of the Djinns we learn that previously all the Djinn were bad, until Daraman arrived and was the only one who could change his way of seeing the world, thus giving way to the separation (and war) between the 2 sides of djinns.

If you see it from that point of view, something similar happens to Goshnar, only one person (or soul) was able to make him change. However, as I said earlier, this is just speculation.
by (1,533 points)
indeed seems the most logical idea, but even so i will await for some kind of proof, something says me it would not take too much until it.
by (230 points)
Let me know if you find something, I'm interested :)