+2 votes
by (1,516 points)

We have some new equipment, what is the method to get it?

Naga Rod 

Naga Wand 

Naga Crossbow  

Naga Sword  

Naga Club 

Naga axe 

Naga Quiver 

> Do these items drop from any creatures?

> Is it necessary to do any quests to get them?

1 Answer

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by (1,582 points)
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They are a rare loot from Timir the Many-Headed, I can confirm myself that I dropped an axe on test server. 3 missions (Of Feathers and Flowers, Cure for the Beavers and Hunt Foam Stalkers) from the new quest (Within the Tides Quest) are required to fight her.

Source: Tibiawiki

Another way are chest in timira’s lair they have chance (small i think) for give naga item video as proof.

by (3,827 points)
You can also get it from the chest inside timira room
by (1,582 points)
Naga items from chests? are u sure? any proof? I thought only valuables could be taken out of them
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My friend dropped naga wand from the chest in Timira chests
by (1,582 points)
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You have right now i seen  Ferumbrinha tibia compilation and someone recorded this.