+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
Guild Leaders are the ones on charge to moderate a Guild board, that said they must take into account what is allowed or not to be posted in their boards that lead us to the following question:

Does all rules for tibia forums apply on Guild boards?
If not, which rules are different?
What other General guideline must be taken into account beside forum rules?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (64 points)
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Tibia is an online role-playing game in which thousands of players from all over the world meet everyday. In order to ensure that the game is fun for everyone, CipSoft expects all players to behave in a reasonable and respectful manner.

CipSoft reserves the right to stop destructive behaviour in the game, on the official website or in any other part of CipSoft's services. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following offences:

From tibia oficial website rules session 


So no matter if you are in a guild board, or in a guild channel, or if you are in pvt talking with someone, cip can always, punish you for any  destructive behaviour. 
And the rules applied here, are the same rules applied  in all the tibia.
a guild can has it's own rules, but the rules of tibia are stronger over guild rules. 

But if you are, in your twitch or in the discord of the guild, cip can't  punish you by any of your actions, but well, take care, you can still be punished by the law in your country it's not that easy, but who knows! 


by (1,534 points)
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just to be clair, general tibia rules are the only rules that Guild boards MUST follow? (talking strictly about cipsosft punishments...)
by (64 points)
there is no difference between a guild board, and a world board.
in a guild board you can ask about, in game things,
you can do lotteries, you can say your guild is dominant, and anyone wants to enter your world must to pay your guild..
you can ask help for random things. Even offtopics things can be commented in the world board.
and the same rules are applied to guild boards.
I don't believe there is an specific subject you can talk in a guild, You can't talk in the world board..

sometimes people use the world board to solve guild problems



Code of conduct that all players are expected to follow. Violating or attempting to violate the Tibia Rules may lead to a temporary suspension of characters and accounts. In severe cases the removal or modification of character skills, attributes and belongings, as well as the permanent removal of characters and accounts without any compensation may be considered.

Promoted Tibia Fansite TibiaQA.com is a fansite. Please note that the only official website is Tibia.com. The game Tibia and the website Tibia.com are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH.

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