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Hey guys. (Sorry for my bad english)

I'm an Elder Druid, level 525 and magic level 108.

I've been long time thinking about hunt Flimsy's in Venore, but I'm afraid. This creatures cause a lot of damage and moves so much faster, making the chances to getting trap very high.

Based on this, I'm thinking about use Cripple rune on this hunt. I plan use Cripple on Flimsy and Dodge on Mean Lost Soul. Because Cripple makes Flimsy's moves slowly and Dodge make I take less damage.

My set on hunt will be this: Gnome Helmet, Dwarven Armor (With death protection and life leech), Cobra Rod (Mana leech and Crit), Dwarven Legs, Lion Spellbook (With Death protection too?), Nightmare Boots.

Others items to protect I think this: Bone Fiddle, Prismatic Ring, and necklaces I have some doubts between Garlick, Necklace of the Deeps and Theurgic.

What you guys think? Should I test Cripple Rune? I'm crazy? Tell me!

Some observations: I have all elemental damage runes + dodge and low blow.

Thanks for attention!

1 Answer

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by (28 points)
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Hello Nil!

First of all let me say I'm definitely not an expert, since I've never reached that level on my ED and never been hunting there sadly (I'm about to hit 279 recently). But I've been reading and watching some videos about it, and I think I can give you my point of view about this.

I would first change some of your set choices and let me explain why. 

Gnome Helmet its fine if you obviously are Imbung it with Powerful Void and Powerful Epiphany, it provides good amount of physical and energy protection and adds a good amount of magic level. With both epiphany and void will make it more sustainable. 

Dwarven armor its a viable option. Yes you're loosing some magic level attribute but well, after making the math, that bonus physical protection is good, and I'm assuming you don't have Soulshroud which is the best options by far. You could also try a Dream Shroud or Thundermind Raidment, but you'll lack of death defense here. If you want to go full Elemental protection and without loosing The possibility of imbuing with life leech, Elven Mail could fit.

Cobra Rod: I disagree at this point. Even though the damage of the rod its totally insignificant, Lion Rod would work much better. Has native Critic attribute, leaving the option of get Epiphany and Void on rod, making your damage higher and sustainable. The more you Hit, the more you recover.

Dwarven Legs: Not much to say here. Gnome Legs are definitely best option here but are very expensive.

Lion Spellbook: Imbued with death defense sounds good. You con go too with Umbral Master Spellbook with death protection imbue too and add some energy protection. And thought about this because Flimsy doesn't only hit hard with death, he also does with energy damage. Surely you would lose some physical protection, but if the whole point its preventing then to catch you. I would focus on elemental damage here.

Other Items protection: Bone fiddle: I also think its a must here with the Prismatic Ring. And for the necklace, I'd go with Theurgic or Prismatic one if you want to add more energy protection. Another viable option could be Koshei Amulet and Ring of lost Soul.

Now let's go where you came here to: Charms.

Bot mean and flimsy are super weak to Holy damage (Mean are 10% more weak). So I would go with Divine Wrath on Mean and maybe Cripple could go on flimsy actually. Adrenaline burst or Numb could also be good options, but its surely personal here.

Hope I helped! If I didn't, I'm so sorry. Wasn't my intention, hahaha. Have a good hunt and let us hear how it went!!

by (181 points)
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Depth Ocrea, the mana drain legs are what you should be using there as an ED.

Cobra Rod beats lion for damage, but lion with leech/void is the better defensive option.

Energy damage is insignificant so dream shroud and umbral suggestions are very very bad.

The best rune for flimsy is low blow, a GFB crit does more damage than holy or freeze or enflame charm. Your defensive option when you get trapped is to UE to safety, this is also why low blow is the best charm to use here.

Dodge on the mean lost souls is good but cripple on the flimsies is pretty meh because other flimsies will simply fill-in due to how many there are in the spawn. But thats just a guess for me. The damage on elemental charms on a flimsy is very weak so i definitely think feeling out cripple and giving a go could be cool, but i doubt it will change much.

I hold Necklaces of the Deep always on my 500~ duo, but solo its not viable (run out very very quick) you should use garlic and prismatic ring or ring of souls.

Might Ring and use Deeps when 5 box trapped.
Might Ring and Utamo with Deeps when 8 boxed, UE and hold on for dear life.
by (28 points)
Loved your comment! It really help me understand better a couple of things. Let me say that i usually thought lion rod would be much better than cobra because i thought magic level bonus was much more important than anything else! Bue i get your point. I just read an answer you got to best druid set and completily unsderstood why you rock. Thanks!