+3 votes
by (1,534 points)

I was reading some theories in discord when someone pointed out a utility of the team finder that was unknown to me until now, this is to search for content that Tibia recognizes, but has not been discovered by the players yet, among that content there is one or another Boss, but more than that I was interested in using this tool to discover quests that we may not know yet, to my surprise I found one that at least I did not know or had never read: Brave New World Quest.


I tried to search on wikis, but no luck, a normal internet search didn't get me anything either, so bingo! the quest may not have been discovered until then, or if anyone knows of its existence or how to start it they may not have published it, with this being said:

  • Has any information been obtained related to that quest? (any progress, known reward or simply how to start it/any npc that reference it) 
  • Has there been any reference to this content before? be a person/website/discord that has at least discovered the quest before or an official answer/info about this?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (3,816 points)
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Best answer

Brave New World was a quest before Dawnport for characters lvl 2 that chose to skip tutorial on tibia site (without talking to NPC Santiago) 

Source : https://www.tibiawiki.com.br/wiki/Quest_Log

by (17,406 points)
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I'll check my other noob accounts edit- no luck
by (1,534 points)
welp, no screenshoot but tibiawiki.br is our most reliable source of info rn in this matter, thanks.
by (2,217 points)
Here is some information regarding this quest. It is worth taking a look. There are, for example, Santiago transcriptions.

+1 vote
by (2,217 points)
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From what I remember it was the first questline in the game if we started the game on the tutorial island on Rookgaard. That's why the quest is no longer available today. Unfortunately I will not give you the source because I did not find one. Perhaps someone has more knowledge on this topic and will answer more extensively.


I found some information on polish unofficial forum about mmorpg games. Supposedly there was a mission in the quest called:

Hint map and information rookgaard village

And in the mission description it said

You completed the tutorial and are on the way to rookgaard village. If you want to go on a quest talk to vascalir in the academy . Go to the oracle when you reached  lvl 8 to leave this island

The information is from August 2014 a few days after Dawnport was introduced. Possibly it was some sort of quest for players who were logged out on Tutotorial Island when Dawnport was already introduced? Hard to say. Consider this information unofficial, but it looks plausible. I will not link to the source because it may contain content that violates Tibia rules.

by (1,534 points)
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yeah all quest: tutorial, rookie guard, child of destiny, etc are actually in both, wiki and team finder, so maybe we could be confusing them, but the title is interesting, "brand new world", since now we have a "full surface world map unlocked" it is really hard to believe that exists a brand new world, so is easier to believe that it is something that we are missing.

Disregard if it is a Rookgaard forgotten quest, a brand new quest or simply an old quest that we never discovered till now is really odd, mysterious and enjoyable that such a quest exists and there's simply no actual data about it, worth the research imo.
by (2,217 points)
I contacted the person who has a character on Tutorial Island. He does not have this quest in the questlog. He will be able to see what happens after he completes Tutorial Island on the Test Server. I'm sure the quest is connected with Tutorial Island because I saw a discussion about it somewhere. Unfortunately I do not remember where it was and if this discussion still exists somewhere on the Internet.
by (3,816 points)
I found info in tibiawikiBR this quest was for chars created at level 2 that marked on site to skip tutorial without asking to NPC Santiago for skip
It was just a quest to complement both initial quests