+1 vote
by (36 points)

According to wikia, during the Mummy's Curse World Change:

"Obtainable by breaking 50 Ornate Canopic Jars during The Mummy's Curse World Change event."

My question is: Do I have to effectively break the jars in order for them to count? Do they count towards the achievement if I just get the "Waaaaaah" message?

Asking this since I have been actively participating in this WC, and have never been able to break a single one. So I was thinking, breaking 50 would take at least a couple of years at this same rate.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,058 points)
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Best answer
Yup, you need to effectively break the jars 50 times in order to get this achieve.

When you try and don't break is because you're afraid of the curse, so you wouldn't get the achievement "Fearless" if you were afraid, right?

It is indeed a difficult one to get
by (36 points)
Thanks! Yeah, it actually makes a lot of sense. "Fearless" duhhh!. Thanks for the clarification!
I guess this one will take at least a couple of years to achieve.
by (1,058 points)
Cip loves to put some achieves that you'll need to put some hard effort in it to obtain. Love them but unfortunately don't have much time to do so