Basic, we have a lot of information over there..
Unfortunately people don't use it so often, so it has almost no use in game, People prefer to use advertising to find teams its easier, and more direct. but there are other functions that are really great and usable!
- Join team
- We use this area to look a team that is hunting something we want, based on our lvl range vocation/etc
- Assemble Team
- we search for people to hunt with us, bosses or anything
- Friend list
- we can see our friends and check info about them (OBS.: u just can be friend of a main character)
- does he has some item?
- is he boosted?
- whats is his current status (set) etc
- what items does he have? (we can see everything, but we can't read the content from letters labels etc)
- Achievements from our friends
- public characters. etc
- Search
- U can search for some character and see any public information from it
- Badges
- Shows your badges and if u want to display that about u,, normally tibia stuffs, like time u play. things u did.. (like achievements but less deeper)
- Config
- Specifications for your account