+2 votes
by (17,404 points)
I want to know if trading items for Tibia coins is considered illegal in Tibia. For example, a player is selling a Golden Helmet but he wants to use a middleman and only accepts Tibia Coins. Is this considered legal or not?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (7,017 points)
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No, cipsoft don't recommend it because is a easy way to stolen. But is not illegal in anyway.


It is not illegal to do that. Tibia Coins are a tradeable item, just like the hat, so you can trade one for the other.

If you have any more questions please let me know.

Kind regards,


Tibia Customer Support

by (17,404 points)
some official statement somewhere?
by (1,533 points)
i would search for the statement but yeah they don't support it beside not being ilegal (u can read all the rules and there aren't rules for selling items as long as u dont advert using irl money)

Rule 2c"Advertising trades for real money:
It is not allowed to advertise trades of any kind that involve the paying of real money. This does not only apply to the trading of real items for cash, but also to offers to buy or sell Tibia items for real money. Note that it is also illegal to advertise game code trades as game codes represent real money."

I think Tibia Coins represent real money so is just a loophole that they made on their rules they don't support this behaviour but they wont punish you unless u advert it, so is totally under your own risk.
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