+3 votes
by (3,816 points)
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Some says that mini bosses and lord retro will disappear after event ends others say that it will be seasonal just like the first dragon quest. What's permanent and what is not?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,058 points)
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Best answer

Hello, Raven Branwen!

Though almost all events taking part on the anniversary are just temporary and will be disabled as soon as the event finishes, both Lord Retro (and the quest to access it, on the time chamber vault) and Morshabaal are permanent additions to the game!

Also the rewards that can be obtained by takin part in it are also permanent additions.

You can check all the content added here

by (17,406 points)
hello any official source for what's permanent and what's not?
by (1,058 points)
The content added on Tibia Wiki was extract from the official news (you can see it here: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6429&fbegind=1&fbeginm=1&fbeginy=2022&fendd=11&fendm=1&fendy=2022&flist=11111111)
by (-7 points)
thanks for that good answere!
0 votes
by (37 points)
Hello. what will be preserved is the boss lord retro (it is the only way to get the wind-up (part of new mount) and what will disappear are the theons - the game of the dragon and the food table)
0 votes
by (21 points)
Time Travel Dungeon, Lord Retro, Morshabaal, Theons that you gained from killing bosses and monsters in Time Travel Dungeon and raids outside, ( will be spent in upcoming Pantibian festivals this spring, date is not yet announced for the festives ). Also all the items what you gained from the anniversary event are permanent.