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I think that hunts for this lvl are pretty limited, we are hunting burster rn doing 2,6kk xp/h in 150% do you guys have a suggestion?
Ms 170 ml 80
Ed 170 ml 80
Knight 171
Paladin 237

1 Answer

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by (1,057 points)
If you're full focused in exp and doesn't matter how much you waste, Ravenous Lava Lurker will be the best exp for you (with prey and green stamina you'll be able to get more than 4 kk/h)

Here is a video on youtube showing the respawn and how to hunt them (it's in portuguese and from a solo knight, but since the resp is the same and the strategy don't diverge a lot, I guess it'll help)

We already doing almost 3kk/h in 150% in burster i can't see how lava lurker would be better than this