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by (1,058 points)
I own a blue sphere and nightmare doll (won from Tibia Life and Tibia Secrets) and I'd like to make a nice decoration to put them.

Since I'm new to this part of the roleplay, I'm not good on decorating, so I'd love to have some tips.

Please note that I don't have much money, so cheap items/furniture would be ideal. Thanks a lot for the help <3
by (17,406 points)
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Hello, I just realized your question is a bit different than the subject. Maybe it could be a little bit more specific since this can be answered in many ways as it's opinionated. Not sure how everyone else feels on it~ Edit- PS you don't need to have me listed as best answer I think there's a lot of other better decorators than me you will be surprised at what others will post ^^

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

I think they simply look nice with just something to elevate them. Here is how I have them displayed-

Nightmare doll with purple square cushion from store

Blue Spheres with Taboret for free from Venore swamps (I think Crystal Pedestals also look good)

Nightmare doll on white carpet from store

by (594 points)
That is some crazy collection right there. I don't even know what to say about it. Congratz! Really!


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