+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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  • Is there a raid message? If so, what raid message?
  • Would the crystal in Edron be able to be walked through?
  • Any other ways to know if Morshabaal spawned on your server or others?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (2,426 points)

The easiest way to know if Morshabaal has appeared is to check the Cyclopedia map. You'll find an exclamation mark indicating an active raid under Edron near Morshabaal's lair, here: 


+2 votes
by (1,058 points)
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Hello, Shawtay.

This'll be an incomplete answer, yet to be improved, because I don't have all the answers yet.

1) There is, indeed, a raid message, but I couldn't find any place with the current messages. Here you can check the information about the existence of a raid message.

2) When the raid is active, you'll be able to walk through the teleport that will spawn on the central of Edron's stone circle. Apparently, you need a level requirement (probably 150), but it's lacking an official source to guarantee that.

3) Through forums and other tibia fansites/streamers you'll be able to know, but there is no central hub yet. This year's spring, though, we will have the Tibia Observer to centralize those intel.

As soon as I get any update from one of those answers, I'll add here
