+2 votes
by (17,406 points)

latest?cb=20220107174731&path-prefix=en&format=originalI know the first sprite is of the retro backpack from back in the day but what does it turn into? I've asked English Chat and no one else knows.

by (104 points)
Ask to a CM thats the only person that might answer that and not make a wild guess
by (17,406 points)
I've asked and many many many other people asked when skimming through forums with no response from CMs. A slight answer was finally provided today.

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,850 points)

Changing backpack from Lord Retro changes into Snake with moving tongue. :>
by (3,816 points)
Haha it kinda looks like a snake :D
+1 vote
by (104 points)
It's changing to the next backpack it would be added

I think it's like a carnisylvan backpack since it's the start and then you got the retro city at the end
by (3,816 points)
Maybe the best answer should be it’s changing to a future backpack that wasn’t implemented yet
by (17,406 points)
That's a good way to put it , but is it true?
by (5,318 points)
As original name was ~Evolving Backpack i actually thought it would be animation showing all backpacks in Tibia "merged". Though I do not see really any resemblances.
+1 vote
by (45 points)
I think it turns into cabbage, can't think of anything else to be honest, it's like an old thing that grows into vegetable, cabbage is my bet
+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
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Best answer

I asked to a CM if the second sprite of changing backpack was a new sprite or a sprite of a future backpack or if it was just a sprite to show that tibia is always changing, showing the first backpack and that other backpack this was the CM reply: 

The changing backpack shows the old sprite and a new one, is the second sprite a future backpack or it is just to show that the game is always changing?

That is a solid interpretation; for now we don't plan to introduce it as a new backpack.

source : https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=39269365#post39269365

But the CM didn’t say what the second sprite actually is or what should be

by (104 points)
That’s my answer lol
by (3,816 points)
I posted in the forums and forgot to post here :p
But yeah I kinda used your idea of future sprite backpack while asking ‘^^
+1 vote
by (435 points)

I don't know how to add image to a comment, so I'll just answer.
Just to help, this are all frames os the Changing Backpack.

by (3,816 points)
Even with all frames don’t know what is D: