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How much is ferumbras hat worth in tibia coins? Just wondering about how much it's worth out of curiosity.
by (17,425 points)
Hmm, I think also including gold cost would be good to know, instead of just TC. But also, I don't agree with flag since this loot is not available for all players which thus makes its suitable according to help center https://www.tibiaqa.com/asking-what-to-avoid

3 Answers

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by (1,058 points)

Unfortunately this question is one that we cannot give you a proper answer, since it is variable from server to server and over time.

A somehow ok estimative is that a ferumbras' hat have about 1kkk as its common price, so considering the tibia coin valuing from 10k (just-opened servers) to 40k (about the max price we see today on some servers), we can say it costs from 25k to 100k TC.

Remeber, though, this is a poor answer because your question was too broad.
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by (45 points)
Nowadays ferumbras hats are being sold on GBE servers for around 38k TC on non-pvp , and around 42k on pvp.

On yellow servers hats are cheaper
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A good place to check for items price in TC is https://tibiatrade.gg  (not a supported fansite)
I searched for all ferumbras' hat ads in there and there are 4 sale ads that range from 42k to 47k TC, depending on the server.