+3 votes
by (301 points)


I would like to know which NPC have the Ferumbras hat as well as Spectulus.

NPC Male: Mage Outftis (Addon 2)

NPC Female: Summoner Outfits (Addon 2)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Here's a list of male NPCs that have the Ferumbras Hat:

ArkuliusArkulius is a Headmaster located at Edron, Ivory Towers south-eastern tower

SpectulusSpectulus is a Scientist Inventor located at Edron Ivory Towers, top floor of the center tower

EclesiusEclesius is a Sorcerer located at South of Thais, in his house.

FalonzoFalonzo is a Scientist located at Fury Dungeon, deep below Edron.

Can't find any female NPC that has the Ferumbras Hat Summoner Outfit addon 2, I left my source below. Here's a list of female NPCs with the basic Summoner outfit no Ferumbras Hat:

FabianaFabiana is a Assistant Magic Shopkeeper  located at The Rathleton Monster Arena; access via Mystic Flame by temple in Rathleton Shops.

AgostinaAgostina is a Assistant Magic Shopkeeper located at The Ankrahmun Monster Arena; access via Mystic Flame south of depot.

PaulettePaulette is an Informer located at Thais, next to the potion shop.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_NPCs

by (301 points)
Shawtay, thanks for the replies. Can we consider these NPCs as the greatest magicians in Tibia? hahaha
by (17,406 points)
I'm kinda sad there's no female npc that I'm aware of with a ferumbras hat :(