+3 votes
I heard some dropped brass button from the last Mini boss, can someone confirm?

Some say only the last boss drops rare itensz
by (5,689 points)
my friend just loot box with carpet

1 Answer

0 votes
by (7,016 points)
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I just killed the first 9 bosses, the last one is a pain head. I the most rare drop is Special Carpet Box and Supernatural Box

On second places some gems like Giant TopazGiant Emerald and Giant Sapphire.

by (104 points)
Last one takes more time to kill than the rest of them together, it's insanely pointless since the waste with a big chance to die aren't worth.

Not even at high level tho, for just 50- 150 points it's out of mind.
by (7,016 points)
So the most are the both special box, thanks i gonna eddit.
by (17,404 points)
I am so sorry, I went through my boss loot and I only obtained a special carpet box and supernatural box. I cannot find one where I looted the special fx box so I'll edit your answer. Here's proof of supernatural box- https://imgur.com/DlA11by