+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
I want to know if I can I solo Lord Retro or it's not recommended or possible? What is the minimum number of players recommended? Thank you.
by (38 points)
You can easily do it with 2 mages (druid or sorcerer). The hardest part of this boss is the last room (Ferumbras Tower), so if both mages summons 2 Demon Skeletons each and target the same Allusion, you can easily trap them and do the mechanics.

*You cannot do it with 1 mage and 1 knight/paladin. You'll need at least 3 people.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,558 points)
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That depends on levels, mechanical skill and perhaps other factors, I'd say.

I believe it's close to not doable (if not doable at all) to do it solo. It would be very hard to go past the first part (Rookgaard), maybe possible on Thais, very problematic on Demon Oak because of the amount of creatures, very very hard on Ferumbras because of lack of damage.

Five sometimes feels like an overkill because you can have someone just standing next to the CM diminishing their "damage" stacks, however Ferumbras Tower is rather slow already with five people, so you can risk running out of time and getting kicking.

My final answer would be 4 players minimum and ideally 5 considering the time limit is short and performing tasks in general with less support from teammates is problematic.

Edit: One year goes by, and I now I've done Lord Retro a couple more times, even completed the Bosstiary entry for it.

The amount of players needed differs on whether the players you're doing the boss know the mechanics or not, and if they are mage(s) or not.

I'd say 3 players, one of them being a mage, is a comfortable setup to do the boss. It's possible to do the boss as 3 non-mages too but you'll have to have a team better prepared for the last phase of the boss.

My final answer after an year is 3 people minimum, 4 or 5 people ideally if you manage to find people interested in doing this boss.

by (17,406 points)
Any update?
by (1,558 points)
Just posted an update. Thanks for the reminder!
+2 votes
by (1,205 points)
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Best answer
I'm able to duo this boss as a pair of 600-700 master sorcerers. The majority of the time, we are able to successfully complete it but the most challenging portions are definitely:

1. the first room and timing the Hard Times so they don't all change before reaching the parcels

2. the final room and making sure your counter doesn't hit 100. Since there are only 2 people, there will be more creatures on your character and easier for your counter to increase.