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I would like to know if there are other ways to get the Dragon Piñata than as a reward from the buffet and if not, what would be the probability of getting it.


1 Answer

+2 votes
by (99 points)
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The Pinata Dragon Kit was only obtainable at the Buffet in celebration of Tibia's 25th anniversary (At least until now).

About the chances of getting one, it is very difficult to know since there is no official information about it.

However I can give you an estimate based on the items I picked up:

I made the buffet in 20 characters for 28 days, this is equal to 560 times I took the buffet during the event, and 20 more characters that I only did 12 days (240 times), totaling 800 times I took the buffet during the event.

After putting all the prizes together I got 61 Dragon Pinata Kits.

Based on my data, the chances would be 7,63%. That would be just using my data and experience, but I believe the chances are somewhere between 5% to 10%.