+1 vote
by (1,528 points)

I would like to know what items wield blue light, if possible also how many sqm of light per item


2 Answers

+3 votes
by (4,162 points)
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There are really a lot of items in the game that give off blue light and bright blue light, here's a list of most of the items. Every now and then I will add new items if they are missing or are added new one to the game.

Store Items

Torch of Change 6sqm

Light of Change   6sqm

Anglerfish Lamp  5sqm light blue

Vengothic Lamp  It gives a soft glow

Luminescent Fungi 5sqm


Adamant Shield   4 sqm

Doll of Durin The Almighty 4 sqm

Frozen Heart  3 sqm

Majestic Shield  5 sqm

Mathmaster Shield (also replika)  4 sqm

Blue Sphere  5 sqm

Assassin Doll   3 sqm light blue

Noble Sword  (also replika)  3 sqm

Music Box  2 sqm

Old Radio  4 sqm

Frozen Starlight 6 sqm

Eye of the storm  5 sqm light blue

Giant Saphire  6 sqm

Snowbash Figurine  3 sqm light blue

True Heart of the Sea  5 sqm 

Shimmer Glower  5 sqm light blue

Soulforged Lantern 2 sqm

Lit Crystal Lamp  4 sqm

Silver Fafnar Trophy  light blue 5sqm

Ghostsilver Lantern  light blue 4 sqm

Wand of Defiance  light blue 3sqm

Starlight Vial  5sqm light blue

Stone of Wisdom light blue 4sqm

Snow Globe 5 sqm

Obsidian Zaoan Bishop 5 sqm

Obsidian Zaoan King  5 sqm

Obsidian Zaoan Knight  5 sqm

Obsidian Zaoan Pawn  5 sqm

Obsidian Zaoan Queen  6 sqm

Obsidian Zaoan Rook  5 sqm

Bunch of Winterberries  4 sqm

Blue Crystal  5 sqm

Surce : tibiafandom, tibiopedia

+1 vote
by (74 points)
Sky blue:
-Angler fish lamp (5 sqm)
-Eye of the storm (5 sqm)
-Shimmer glower (5 sqm)
-Starlight vial (5 sqm)
-Ghostsilver lanter (4sqm)

Ocean blue:
-Snow globe (5sqm)
-Noble sword replica (3sqm)
-Luminescent fungi (5sqm)
-Stone of wisdom (4sqm)
-Frozen starlight (6sqm)
-Lit crystal lamp (4sqm)
-Soulforged lantern (2sqm)

Azure blue:
-Blue sphere (5sqm)