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by (104 points)
What would hit harder to a mage from both creatures?

Taking in consideration the equipment existent in the game to reduce it's damage, imbuements included.

1 Answer

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by (1,058 points)
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Hello, Islearth!

First of all, let's check what Tibia Fandom page has to tell us about both Werelion and Cobra Assassin.

When comparing brute damage, Werelion deal less physical damage (0~325 vs 0~500), does more damage when nearby (GFB 0~350 + Melee divine strike 0~425 vs groundshaker 300~510) and less damage at distance (holy wave 0~250 vs earth wave 300~360 + beam 300~500).

Werelion scenario

We can see from here that if you want to protect yourself from werelion, you'd better have physical, holy and fire reduction damage. Assuming the only place you'll hunt werelion is the Lion Sanctum and that there you'll want to use ice damage, you could use deepling fork in case you have (though very unlikely) and lit torch (sparkling) in order to protect you from holy damage.

Assuming you are to have the best equipment to hunt there, you can have up to 40% fire damage reduction and 10% physical reduction, so you may still be hit up to 1k/werelion/turn in worst-case scenario. 

Now, if we imagine that you won't be blocking those creatures, you can significantly reduce the damage you'll take per turn, since you won't be receiving the physical damage nor the divine strike, so you'll get, if unlucky, max 400~500 hp/werelion/turn. 

When adding the imbues, it is possible to reduce it even further and make it to 320~400 hp/werelion/turn

Cobra assassin scenario

When hunting cobra assassin, you'll be facing other Cobra creatures, such as Cobra Vizier and Cobra Scout. So you'll want to protect yourself against physical and earth damage (plus death damage if on a spot with many vizier). 

Assuming you have the best equipment at your disposal, you'll be able to protect yourself against almost 50% of earth damage and about 10% physical damage. On worst-scenario case, you'll receive up to 1200 hp/cobra assassin/turn

Again, when you aren't blocking these creatures, their damage'll be considerably lowed, so if unlucky, you'll get max 700 hp/cobra assassin/turn.

When adding the imbues, it is possible to reduce it even further and make it to 560 hp/cobra assassin/turn
