+3 votes
by (4,162 points)

As I know Xena is the mascot of TibiaMagazine known as Midnight Panther Doll . What's her story? Unfortunately, it is written in Spanish language. 

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latest?cb=20141210202738&path-prefix=en&format=originalMidnight Panther doll is a fansite item created by Makadamia for the fansite TibiaMagazine.com.ve Source- Tibia Wiki Here's the history of Xena: Original verision of Xena (Spanish) and the English version of Xena-


image   image

Author: Makadamia

     Xena is our fansite mascot, a mystical creature who was born in the hope of transmitting perseverance to the Tibians and with the goal of showing them that fighting for what you want is the only sure way to obtain it. It is said to be a symbol of perseverance and luck.

Origin :

     One of many afternoons I was playing with the butterflies of this thick jungle of Tiquanda, when I began to hear a sound that I had never heard in the surroundings; At first I was scared and soon I was gone, but then it relaxed me so much and made me feel so happy that I couldn't help but get closer to see what it was about. I noticed that it came from a small box that a man had by his side while he was resting near a bush in the jungle, which I must limit, he looked tired and was carrying a large bag, which when I smelled it, I knew that it contained a Jungle Bells Plant, and Furthermore, on the other side I had several bodies of butterflies in another bag which shocked me because as you know I am very close friends with them. However, I sat for a long time listening to that melody,until the young man got up and began to walk desperately among the trees; as if he were looking for something, but as evening fell he continued along the river path back to the city without success.


     The next day I heard the same sound, and as I got closer again, I saw that the man from the day before was no longer alone. He had a partner with him, who, according to what I heard in his conversation, was a collector whom he met in Clyde's tavern while having a beer, and who told him that he was in search of three plants that the Explorer Society entrusted to him, in turn. , He took advantage of catching three types of our butterflies that apparently are not very common to find in the rest of the world. Then this daring subject inopportunely approached the explorer, and I heard him say that he decided to accompany him in his search in order to capture a cobra to dissect it and add it to his repertoire.


     "Night is beginning to fall, but this time I plan to stay, I feel like I am wasting a lot of time on the way here and tomorrow I have to return to account for my findings" - said the explorer, as he prepared a kind of bed However, the collector did not seem to like this idea, so he immediately gathered his things and started on his way home. "And remember to stay close to the river, more than one has been lost in the jungle, and only its course will serve as a guide when you return to the city" - he shouted when he was about to lose sight of it. 


      I insisted on taking care of his sleep, because if a Carniphila or a Crocodile approached him they would surely not waste the opportunity to devour him bite by bite, but it was not long before a very strong and disconcerting tremor left me with no choice but to run into the jungle to see what happened.


     The next morning I could not get closer to see if the explorer was still alive, because chaos broke out in the jungle since dawn, a herd of stunned elephants ran desperately looking for the culprit of the death of one of its members. Everything led to the deduction that a man wanted to kill one of them in order to extract the precious ivory tusks, which I have heard said are valuable among humans, but it is a mystery that I have not yet managed to decipher. I came across a small blue butterfly and decided to send it to guide the explorer to exotic plants that he had not yet encountered, because if he stayed here for a while longer, he knew for sure that his life would be at great risk.


     I was afraid for the butterfly since I would not like it to be caught like the previous ones and to make sure that everything went well I accompanied it, keeping a safe distance in the hope that he would follow it.


     The surprised explorer took the specimens of the plants, which, judging by the joy on his face, were just what he needed to find. It did not take long for him to be disconcerted by not knowing the reason for the help of that butterfly, was it just a coincidence or did he take it there intentionally? - he wondered. Around noon he began his journey back to the camp where he spent the night so that he could eat something, as he had to regain energy for the return to Port Hope.

     Being close would allow me to save him in case the elephants decided to attack them when they ran into the camp, I had been with him, and I knew he was not responsible for what happened. Instead of staying in the city of Port Hope, the collector decided to return in search of his companion, after a long time observing him I noticed that he had no traces of blood or of carrying a tusk on him, so it could not have been the cause of All this.


     "Help, help" were the screams that woke me up after an exhausting morning and the relaxing sound of the magic box, I immediately recognized the voice of my beloved, who by the way I forgot to tell you that that beautiful druid that you see there was almost like me Human daughter, I had raised her since she was only eight years old, since her parents abandoned her on the banks of the river, but anyway, such was my despair that she had not finished waking up when I was already running into the jungle looking for her, and I went So happy to see that the explorer and collector had come to save her from one of the elephants desperately seeking a culprit. After the fight, they were about to kill him, when the noble Makadamia prevented that heinous act and asked the elephant to gather his companions and leave,Well, here in Tiquanda there was no longer who they were looking for.


     As a token of gratitude, I made Makadamia bring them here to eat something while they waited for the huge herd of Terrified Elephants to dissipate, and that's when I decided to reveal myself to them, I asked Makadamia to make two Midnight Panther Dolls, those little figurines that allow their Carriers understand feline language and only someone truly loyal to our jungle will be able to have such a valuable privilege. From what I heard a while ago, they decided to team up in search of new adventures offered by the Explorer Society, and that is why I asked Makadamia to invoke you with a spell, since fate brought them to me to save her and give me a lesson of faith in human hearts and therefore you have to be their new companion, as a sign of their perseverance and my hope in them,as well as all the good that their arrival brought, so that you grow by their side and protect them in all their adventures; and here, my little Xena begins yours.



Author: Poshy Elf

     Also among Xena's quirks, she loves quiet places and the following is one of her favorite places in Tibia, her home. 


Author: Chellmi Bittersweet

The last time she was seen was during Christmas in a very peculiar place, however, at dawn she disappeared ...

Author: Lagertza

by (4,162 points)
Thank you @shawtay for the translated story. In my opinion, there should be more stories like this, not just fan items and very rare items.
+1 vote
by (1,058 points)

Hello, Daissy, it's me again :p

'Till now I didn't even know that there was this fansite item, but since I can understand spanish, I just read the original article and I'll tell you here the history

Originally Xena was a mystical creature who was born as a symbol of good luck and perseverance.

Once upon a time a player was in Tiquanda's forest when he heard an unknown sound, making he imediatelly flee, since the forest was full of powerful monsters. But when he thought of the sound it made him relaxed and happy. Intrigued by that, he decided to go back.

When checking where the sound came from, he found a man with a cage by his side. He was also carrying a container with Jungle Bells Plant and a butterfly conserving kit full of dead butterflies (a reference to the first missions of Explorer Society Quest). One important note is that this player was really fond of butterflies, so that was quite sad for the player.

Despite of that, our hero decided to just observe at distance. The explorer went back to the city at twilight without finishing his task, apparently.

On the next day our hero heard the same sound again and went back to a new check. This time the explorer was with a collector, who were accquainted at Port Hope's bar. While the explorer was still trying to get all butterflies and plants asked by Angus, the collector wanted a Cobra's corpse, in order to add to his collection.

The whole day passed and the explorer decided to sleep on Tiquanda and go back the next day, to tell his descoveries, while the collector decided to go back to Port Hope. Meanwhile, our hero, who decided just to observe until now, initially was guarding the explorer while he was asleep, so no carniphilla or crocodile would devour him (I personally found this a little creepy, but that really was it). At some point at the night (not long after he started to watch the explorer sleep) a huge quake made our player run to the jungle, trying to check what happened.

This made him occupied all night long, so he didn't know if the explorer was still alive when the next day came. The cause of the quake was a herd of terrified elephants running amok after a human killed one of them in order to extract its tusk.

Our hero, being a friend of the butterflies, decided to send a blue one to guide the explorer (even though he killed some butterflies before) to the places where the plants he needed to extract. Although he wanted to help the explorer, he still didn't trust him, so he still kept nearby to make sure the explorer wouldn't hurt the butterfly.

The explorer, helped by the blue butterfly, was thrilled to finish his task and amused by the butterfly's help, wondering if it was by accident or if it really guided him. Meanwhile, the collector was travelling back to their camp, trying to locate the explorer. Our hero continued to observe both and since he didn't find any sign that neither of them was responsible to kill that elephant on the night before, he was decided to save both of them in case the amok elephants found them.

Everything went smoothly though and when the night came, our hero decided to sleep peacefully, only to wake up hearing the screaming of Makadamia (yes, the same Makadamia who created the item) asking for help. She was a druid that was abandoned by her parents when she a kid and our hero raised her, considering her like a daughter. Unfortunately, he arrived too late to help her. But luckily both the explorer and the collector were there and saved her first. One of the elephants that went amok tried to stomp her, causing that commotion. When it was already hurt and about to be killed by them, Makadamia pled them to not kill the elephant and convinced it to leave that place, since the culprits weren't there.

After this inccident, our hero decided to trust them and invited them to eat something while they waited for the whole herd to open the passage. As a token of grattitude for their deed, Makadamia was asked to create two Midnight Panther Dolls, allowing them to understand feline language and a proof that they are loyal to Tiquanda.

After a while, our hero heard that both of them joined new adventures with Explorer Society and asked Makadamia to invoke Xena, a baby Midnight Panther, to start being their compannion.

This ends the story, with a picture of Darama's oasis (between Ankrahmun and Darashia) decorated as the lair of Xena.  

Credits of the image and source of the history: https://www.tibiamagazine.com.ve/p/xena.html

by (4,162 points)
Thanks for taking the time to translate, but unfortunately Shawtay was ahead of you :P
by (1,058 points)
Yeah, I saw the moment I posted, but don't know how to delete mine haha

It's even better that he translated the whole story, instead of me telling what happened