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by (56 points)
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Best respwns on Tibia form each type of hunt (duo, solo, team).
Place: where it is and floors.
Type: type of hunt (duo , solo , team)

Exp/h: best exp possible , maybe we can put there the records on each place.


by (5,070 points)
I edited your question to make it more understable and easy to answer.
by (1,534 points)
shouldn't this question have a lvl restriction at least? specially considering that gnomprona can increase the exp per mob should at some point and at some lvl be the best exp respawn no matter what.

1 Answer

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by (11 points)
Its highly dependant in your vocation . whether its a solo, duo or team hunt and the characters most important stat (mlvl for mages, distance for paladins and weapon skill for knights).

the go to place for knights and paladins its gonna be rosh west/ asura mirror.

for mages its gonna be falcons/cobras/issavi using aoe runes and spells dependant on eq and mlvl

duo hunting would definately be the soul quest areas or warzone 9 and those exact spots can yield more experience if done in a team