+2 votes
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I have always hoped they would do this to spice up the look of all my favourite old outfits, but cant recall if they ever made an official comment on it.
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2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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They actually removed the famous third addon spot some time ago (pretty sure it was on the second semester of the last year) even though it was since ever not selectable by any means. Unfortunately, we can say that the 3rd Addon is now "officially cancelled" until further announcement.

I can theorize that it was due to impressive amount of paid outfits released. Making a third addon to every outfit existent would be burdensome and expensive.... Although I would be creative with this issue if I had power to decide it on Cipsoft. I would try to call the good and talented artists from our player base to compete in order to create a third addon to every outfit possible. Maybe a contest happening every semester for a set of outfits chosen, where each contestant can create a third addon. A Cipsoft team would be responsible to pick the most appropriate material to apply on the game. Popular demand would be a factor too on the decision I guess.

It may seem quite far fetched my suggestion but back in the day Tibia used to have sprites and even maps obtained through contributions made by the fans.

by (3,816 points)
And I always thought that the 3addon became the mounts...
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
.Not as Addon 3, because there are too many Outfits at the moment to waste a lot time in cange all of this (Also some Outfits dont have space to more "swords"), in future this addon can be something more generelical something to implemented in all Outfits like "Pet", "Wings" or "Aura".