+3 votes
by (5,796 points)
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Yeti is a nice addition to our bestiary as a good charm point to own, and I think that many players would really enjoy killing one of these famous creatures, also due to the famous Bunnyslipers loot. It is rumored that Chyllfroest may contain these legendary creatures once opened, but how and where can we find the giant white beasts over there? Are many of them available there? What about Folda's Yetis?

3 Answers

+6 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

The Yetis can appear in rare raids (Unanoounced) on Folda and Chyllfroest (Accessible between April 1 and May 1).

 They spawn in small groups, from 1 to 3.

On Chyllfroest, they spawn very rarely on the fourth floor of the mountain.

Follow this map.

On Folda, one Yeti group spawns close to the shovel hole, second group spawns little bit north east of the shovel hole and the third group spawns east of the shovel hole.

The most easy place to found it is Folda. The best way is bring here a character (Mages better) with level 45+, get full supplies (Sudden Death Runes and Mana Potions) and check the respawn when you have time.

by (5,796 points)
Interesting information regarding Folda, but just pay attention that I was asking about Chyllfroest, ok? You provided a valid answer though regarding Folda respawn, but I wasn't really looking for it.

Well, what about Chyllfroest? Where are these floors? How do I access this place? Do they appear there in a rare occurrence or is it frequently? Is the Yeti spawn on Chyllfroest quicker compared to the one on Folda?
by (7,037 points)
Fixed, I add the way to the respaw on Chyllfroest. You can use the same strategy (Like Folda) to check here.
by (5,796 points)
Awesome Trululu! I edited the question to make your contribution about Folda more relevant to search engines. Overall that was a great guide to find Yetis in game. Good job!
by (2,271 points)
You can use my profile pic as confirmation of the location of Yeti's on Chyllfroest
+5 votes
by (6,736 points)
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What I can add to already existing answer, which could be quite misleading (especially when we're talking about spawn on Folda) - Yetis doesn't spawn in small groups of 1-3 in 3 different places. The maximum ammount of Yeti which you can find on Folda is 3. I've met 15 of them and all was on the west from "shovel hole", and I guess that exact place is quite random. Would be nice to add, that time of respawn is between 19-25 days counting from recent spawn.

Happy boss-hunting! :)

0 votes
by (850 points)


I just wanted to add that I can confirm the accuracy of the above information relating to the Yeti spawn locations on Folda. I have spent the last 30 days each day trying different methods, theories, and applying the listed information. I found 2x Yeti on Antica yesterday in Folda, one was north west of the shovel hole as mentioned and the other was south west. It took just over 20 days for them to spawn and it seemed random. 

I want to mention though that I did read their spawn can coincide with the announcement of a separate raid (this also happened with my spawn, I think it was a raid in Thais), however I think this is just speculation. 

Here is a picture of my find and thanks for the question/info: 

by (2,564 points)
Hello. This is not really an answer but a confirmation that another answer is correct (which one?) - you can use up-votes and down-votes to indicate which answers are correct and not and use comments to add more details, confirmations and other details.
by (850 points)
Both answers are correct. Given it is the Yeti and there is no concrete information listed on Tibia (since it is such a rare spawn) I think it is for the benefit to the community seeking an answer to such questions that such inclusions be made. I also added additional information which was based off my experience in finding the yeti.

Whilst ordinarily I would agree with you, in this instance I believe you are wrong.