+1 vote
by (171 points)
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As in title: I'm using newly added mount randomizer. However, for Krakoloss mount, which appears sometimes, I would like to have color scheme corresponding to my outfit, while currently it's all white. Is it possible to set it up somehow to keep it in defined colors of my choice, every time when selected by randomizer?
by (1,533 points)
must say, those answer are incorrect nowadays, maybe it got fixed few months ago, but now is possible to keep its colors even using randomizer (just tested it)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (94 points)
If you select the mount tab in character customization you can change colors there. Then apply it. Each time you use a randomizer you will then have to change it back.
by (171 points)
So no option to keep the colors with randomizer?
by (94 points)
that is correct got to fix colors each time
0 votes
by (1,669 points)

You can use an outfit preset in order to save Krakoloss colours. It'll also save your outfit and its colours as well as your familiar. In order to save an outfit preset you have to open the context menu on your character, then click on Customize Character, select Preset, then click on New.

This way, when your Krakoloss colours are lost again, you can quickly get them back by clicking on the saved preset.
