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I was out for almost 4 years, so I would be glad if you could help me, I was wondering for the best set I could use on my ED considering I'm always solo hunting.

by (112 points)
where do you usually hunt?
I'll try Oramond minotaurs, but I'll look for other options

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (112 points)

First of all, you can use magma, glacial, terra and lightning set for respawn that do mostly elemental damage.

For your level and that respawn I have some ideas:

  • Helmet: Yalahari mask or Rubber Cap
  • Armor: Swan Feather Cloak, Royal Scale Robe or Focus Cape if you are short of cash
  • Shield: Wooden Spellbook or Snake God’s Wristguard
  • Legs: Blue Legs, Zaoan Legs, Dwarven Legs or Grasshopper Legs
  • Boots: Boots of Haste or Soft Boots
  • Necklace: Platinum Amulet or Beetle Necklace
  • Rod: Dream Blossom Staff or Magic Sword
If you have money and don’t mind the waste you could also get some ring/collar of green plasma and before they run out you can sell them back to the NPC
by (3,843 points)
Just to add to your answer half of the items listed can be obtainable by doing quests so if the person who created the question has time it can make them instead of just buying all this equips
0 votes
by (37 points)
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helmet: yala mask

armor: royal scale robe,

shield: spellbook of dark mysteries(easier to get than snake god's wristguard as you get it from inq) or mastermind shield if you're struggling with physical damage

legs: dwarven/zao legs or if you're low on cap use blue legs, also remember about the ones with elemental protection like magma/terra/lightning legs or a glacier kilt, these are  useful in certain spots, super cheap and you're gonna use them  a lot  in the future

boots: boots of haste, i wouldn't bother with soft boots, it's better to just put a t1/t2 mana leech in your helmet

necklace: werewolf amulet, great amulet which gives you a lot of physical protection, super cheap as are the moonlight crystals and green plasmas

weapon: dream blossom staff or you can use magic sword/blessed sceptre(the second one is easier to obtain on your level) if you wanna put crit as well

also remember about trinkets, they are rather cheap and give you some protections to work with