+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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I haven't looked too into the update but I want to know if fiendish and influenced monsters are stronger or not. Do they attack more? Do they hit stronger? Do they have more hitpoints?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

Yes, Indeed, fiendish monsters are stronger (almost twice stronger!). In fact from the teaser we are learning that influenced monsters are stronger than regular monsters, and then fiendish monsters are even more stronger. Tibia Wiki(Fandom) has made a table describing the difference between each, as follows:

Influenced StacksExtra HPDust Received
Fiend (15)90%15-45


1. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Equipment_Upgrade

From the teaser :

The first one is dust. In order to get dust, which is non-tradeable, players have to kill influenced monsters. These creatures have a low chance to spawn in place of a regular monster and are stronger versions of regular monsters. They can carry one to five stacks which gives them increased damage and maximum health – the more they have, the stronger they are, and the higher the potential to yield more dust. How many stacks a creature has is indicated below their name in the game window. While a player can only carry 100 dust at first, this limit can be increased to a maximum of 225 by spending dust.


An influenced squid warden...


... and a fiendish dragon.

In addition to influenced monsters, there are also fiendish monsters. These are even stronger creatures, which do however also give more dust, as well as a new tradable resource called slivers

2. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6427&fbegind=4&fbeginm=11&fbeginy=2021&fendd=4&fendm=12&fendy=2021&flist=11111111

by (17,406 points)
Hello can you please create the table or not post it as an image just incase? Great answer though!
by (5,318 points)
Sure, updated.
0 votes
by (2,865 points)
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Yes they are. They have more HP and deal more damage, but it isn't TOO strong. I have found a Ghoul, Quara, Dromedary and Souleater fiendish, and nothing that can hurt me. I can't tell how this can work for a creature that is already strong, if they can make things harder in a box, for example. But, overall, fiendish creatures are a bit stronger than normal ones.

Also, when using the new spell Find Fiend, if you have unlocked the creature bestiary, the spell shows you the difficult, so you can go prepared to face the monster.

From the teaser :

The first one is dust. In order to get dust, which is non-tradeable, players have to kill influenced monsters. These creatures have a low chance to spawn in place of a regular monster and are stronger versions of regular monsters. They can carry one to five stacks which gives them increased damage and maximum health – the more they have, the stronger they are, and the higher the potential to yield more dust. How many stacks a creature has is indicated below their name in the game window. While a player can only carry 100 dust at first, this limit can be increased to a maximum of 225 by spending dust.


An influenced squid warden...


... and a fiendish dragon.

In addition to influenced monsters, there are also fiendish monsters. These are even stronger creatures, which do however also give more dust, as well as a new tradable resource called slivers. 1

1. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6427&fbegind=4&fbeginm=11&fbeginy=2021&fendd=4&fendm=12&fendy=2021&flist=11111111

by (1,534 points)
i think someone already answered something like this where he said they have 1.9x hp more or less and do aswell almost 2x damage, that's certainly A LOT, specially for a low lvl paladin/mage while hunting strong mobs, lets say paladin hunting on ghastly dragon and mage on sphinx.

i do think is totally neccesary measure the strength of those mobs and refrain from taking them easy, they are intended to be challenging, so giving numbers would help player understand how so "strong" they could be.
by (6,736 points)
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I think I would correct this answer a bit, because it might be misleading. While weak monsters may be still weak for higher-lvl players, then strong monsters like Hellflayers are able to kill even 950 lvl Elder Druid in one turn. My guildmate got hits for over 4000 in one turn, while he had 2 death protection imbuments + ofc physical protection. This Hellflayer, as I remember, had 28000 HP. The difference in this case in my opinion is huge.