+3 votes
by (2,559 points)

I wanna see the Excalibug sword myself and take a couple of screenshots in the room, and I remember there's this room where you can see it in-game. Where is it located? Is it related to a quest? and if so, Do I have to be on a certain mission to get there?

(Source of the screenshot: Tibiawiki Fandom)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,669 points)
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In order to reach the place pictured on that screenshot, someone must do The Pits of Inferno Quest until access to the reward room is granted. After opening the last door with Key 3700, the player must head north and go downstairs here (instead of entering the portal to the reward room on the south):

Then just go south and it will be possible to see the sword which is located on the floor below. The screenshot was taken at here:
