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by (1,533 points)
Firstly, not any intention to be an opinion-based question, the idea of the question is to know if exists any data of a reply explaining why they don't introduce professions.

Professions are something interesting and enjoyable found on various or maybe most mmorpgs nowadays, however that's not the case of tibia so there should be a reason, im willing to believe the community asked it long time ago and got an answer, if this is true there should be data of that so here the questions

Have ever cipsoft talked about professions?
Have they answered officially something related at least?
There's any clue to understand why that feature isn't here? even if we can craft some stuff, fish, and other stuff as skinning, cooking, sculpting or so.

1 Answer

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by (20 points)
To this day, there are no official comments regarding the expansion of vocations in Tibia.

Even tho this topic has been suggested quite a few times on the Proposal board (which is, to say the least, forgotten), Cipsoft has not given any direction towards this topic so far.

My two cents about this is that Tibians doesn't seem to care too much about RPG aspects of the game, at least not in a scale that would explain the effort for this kind of system to be developed, which would change the game's structure severely. You can see that even in OT servers, the greatest focus are on massive player events for bosses and/or wars and QoL that Cipsoft don't want to implement (auto looting is a great example).

So, unless this is being discussed on closed doors, we should not expected anything going on this direction any time soon.
by (17,404 points)
Are you sure there's no official response? I feel like I've read something somewhere
by (1,533 points)
I don' think that's true, it's well known that most of the population of tibian players is low lvl players, below lvl 1.5k at this point, and it's not only due the lack of hunts and stuff, many people really don't have the time or the will to chase for top lvls, or keep hunting more than 2 hours daily, I think the reason why we don't see people taking care of it is because cipsoft doesn't introduce anything like that, not the other way around.

An easy example of my claim is fiendish hunting, many people got excited to keep doing it beside we all know if isn't exp efficient, and atm isn't even profit efficient, still there's people who enjoy it, because is more entertaining for some people, same with people who hunt only to pay for decorations for their house, achievement hunters, boss hunters etc etc etc.

Imo, there's people who willingly would do something different, simply there's nothing different to do, anyway yeah i think an officla response from cip would be amazing.
Being a completionist myself, I agree that the interest would arise given Cipsoft do something towards this topic, but the majority of changes, content and mysteries that are added get spoiled or finished way sooner than later. EXP hunting is infinite. Gold hunting (tc sellers) is infinite. War is infinite. And these are the hottest topics for the majority of the playerbase, unfortunatelly. I get griefed daily for being a "char lover". And it has been like this for years. In the end, dominating servers through war to get priority on top respawns is still the "main loop" of the game, even if it is a sandbox.
by (1,533 points)
I mean I don't doubt that maybe cipsoft could think like that (that's why I'm looking for an official response whichever answer it were). What I mean is, even if cipsoft think like that, that's simply not necessarily true, is a biased misconception to say "hey, a huge majority of the people that stay at the game are interested in this topic" because that's probably the reason why ONlY they stay, it's called a survivorship bias.

So once again, I don't doubt cipsoft could have said "most people care for infinite level, lets do that", what I'm looking for is having it in an official answer, even if I do think that's simply not a proper answer and a huge bias, were nice to know "their posture" against it, as we look for their posture in other threads like macro, autoloot, events, and other stuff.