+2 votes
by (518 points)
Hi guys, I've started playing again recently and I've wanted to do some bonebeast tasks where would be the best place and how can I get there?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (1,528 points)
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In my opinion, the best places to do the bonebeast task are:

  • Edron's Old Fortress where you will also find Vicious Squires (you don't need to do quest to gain access)

  • If you don't have access to Goroma, you could also do The Shattered Isles quest to gain access to the island of Ramoa, where you can also find bonebeast and also other undead creatures to complete more bestiary entries. 
  • Another option you need a quest to access is Helheim, you would need to advance in The Ice Islands quest to "The Secret of Helheim" mission, what I like about this respawn is that nobody ever goes there
You can click on the blue text to find the quest spoiler.
Hope this helps!


by (518 points)
Thanks a lot, totally forgot about the Old Fortress should be a great spot for both xp and task :)
0 votes
by (725 points)

One of my favorite spots for bonebeast task is the Mother of Scarabs lair. You can combine the bonebeast task with ancient scarabs at this location! The spot also provides great practice for lower level characters to heal paralyze while aoe hunting. 

Mother of Scarabs Lair wiki

Here is a video I helped produce of a level 65 hunting the spot quite some time ago.

