+2 votes
by (5,319 points)

I am looking for all items which their weight been changed in the past. For example with todays Save server Flask of Demonic Blood been changed from 2.00 oz to 2.90 1. What could be also possible reason of changing that?


1 Answer

+3 votes
by (17,410 points)
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There's probably a lot of weight changes! Here's some I've researched-

  • With the implementation of the new Royal Costume outfit in the Winter Update 2021. "The weight of silver and gold tokens has been reduced from 0.20 oz to 0.01 oz Source- Tibia
  • Due to runes and potions becoming stackable in update 8.6, they had their weights adjusted. Filled potions that can be bought from NPCs will weigh 0.9 oz more than they currently do. Filled potions will be stackable. Empty flasks will weigh 0.2 oz less than they currently do. Empty flasks will be stackable. Example: A Strong Mana Potion will weigh 2.9 oz (currently 2.0 oz), an empty flask will weigh 1.6 oz (currently 1.8 oz).
  • The weight of a single spell rune will depend on the number of charges it currently has. A spell that currently creates a rune with one charge will then create a single spell rune with the same weight as the blank rune. A spell that currently creates a rune with 2 charges will then create a stack of 2 spell runes. This stack will weigh 2.1 oz (like the blank rune). This means, a single rune in this stack weighs 1.05 oz. A spell that currently has 10 charges will then create a stack of 10 spell runes. This stack will weigh 2.1 oz, a single rune of this type will weigh 0.21 oz and so on.
  • Blank runes will weigh 2.1 oz which is 0.9 oz more than they currently do. Blank runes will be stackable. To create a spell rune you won't have to hold the blank rune in your character's hands anymore, you just have to carry it with you which means it has to be somewhere in your inventory, e.g. in your backpack.Sources: CM post, Tibia Wiki
  • A flask of Demonic Blood was changed to match up with the current weight of strong health and strong mana potions since when you use it you have a chance to get either potion which weighs 2.90 currently. So this seems to be why it went from 2.00 to 2.90. Sources: Tibia
  • Due to error messages, the weight of rusty armor had to be changed to 120 oz, the weight of rusty legs to 70 oz, the weight of rust remover to 0.9 oz and the weight of dough, cake dough and chocolate dough to 1 oz. Sources: Tibia
  • Last but not least, life crystals, emerald bangles and and silver brooches are now stackable. Consequently, their weight has been adjusted a bit. Sources: Tibia

by (5,319 points)
There was also update batch with flask of rust remover..;-)
by (356 points)
To keep your good answer updated, you can add Silver and Gold token, the weigh will change with the implementation of the new Royal Costume outfit in the Winter Update 2021. "The weight of silver and gold tokens has been reduced from 0.20 oz to 0.01 oz."

Source: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6428&fbegind=29&fbeginm=10&fbeginy=2021&fendd=28&fendm=11&fendy=2021&flist=11111111