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by (248 points)
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Well, I'm not willing to pay p.acc this month, so my question is:

enlightenedIs possible to make TibiaDrome free account?

closed as a duplicate of: Can a free account fight in the Tibiadrome or PvP arena?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.
by (17,406 points)
Hello, please be sure to research your question to make sure you are not posting a duplicate. Great question though :)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (17,406 points)

No, you cannot participate in the Tibiadrome if you're a free account.

The PvP arena and the Tibiadrome are special zones where Premium players can test and practise their combat skills without losing any experience, skills or items. Moreover, players have the chance to win a nice bit of money and items in these fights. So far, Tibians can find arenas and dromes in Ankrahmun, Kazordoon, Thais, Edron and Rathleton. While only Premium characters are able to participate in these fights, spectators on free and Premium accounts are welcome to watch the fights from the roof.

Taken directly from my source: Tibia Manual - 5.3.7 PVP Arena and Tibiadrome
