+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
How long do you have to defeat these bosses during the Mini World Change? Is it the same for all of the bosses or does it differ?

1 Answer

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by (7,046 points)
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10 minutes and is the same too all five bosses.

Here on this video Mini Change - Devovorga Essence check the dialog npc.

Source: Mini World Changes Devovorga Essence (Wiki Br)

by (5,523 points)
I know the Wiki Br has been wrong for timings in the past but I will accept this for now unless I hear any different. 10 minutes was what I thought it was but hadn't been able to test myself or find much info.
by (7,046 points)
I found a video where you can see the dialog of npc and he say 10 minutes.
by (5,523 points)
Excellent :)