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by (850 points)
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When exploring Dawnport a player may come across the Salamander Trainer. 

Tibia wiki indicates the following for the strategy 'It has massive defense, so knights will struggle to damage it, especially with its fast healing. Mages have an advantage here. It is a good creature to train skills on.'

However, wiki doesn't offer much more for the strategy itself. 

I tried to make an alt to kill it, but struggled as he does summon a lot of those Troll Trained Salamanders and I wasn't fast enough to rope him out of his cave away from his summons + his healing is really OP. 

I am wanting to know what the best strategy is to solo kill this Dawnport creature ~ 

If you could post which voc/skill/items/method/lvl I should have before attempting to achieve the most efficient methodology, that would be awesome :) 

by (1,669 points)
What do you mean by you weren't fast enough to rope it out of the cave? It is not possible to rope up monsters for over a decade, I believe. By the way, it is not a boss monster, it's just a creature with a single spawn in the game.
by (850 points)
Oh I didn't know you couldn't rope monsters anymore. I am not a new age player, most of my experience is 7.4 and 8.6. That would explain why it wasn't working when I tried.

It is considered a Dawnport boss by most players.

If you have any strategies or feel you can offer the best strategy feel free to answer the question.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
I kill it just one time. I use Mage (Donte remember if Druid or Sorcerer. noth is the same) on lvl 12-15 with similar magic level. Just lure a trap myself in a corner with the boss and one summon, nothing hard really. Just need few potions in the worst of cases.
by (850 points)
Thanks for the answer man, so pretty much aim for a mage minimum level 12/15 with magic level 12/15 and corner fight it.

Thanks for the strategy, I will wait a couple more days in case anyone else posts some otherwise I will select yours as the best answer :)