+3 votes
by (850 points)
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Tibia Wiki indicates that back in October 15, 2013 a small patch was implemented which removed the 'Mad Mage' and replaced him with the 'Sane Mage'.

When the 'Sane Mage' was implemented, he was moved to the beach close to his dungeon, along with a changed name and dialogue. 

(Image sourced from Tibia Wiki ~ 'Sane Mage')

(Image sourced from Tibia Wiki ~ 'Sane Mage')

However, the Sane Mage was later removed once CIP re-added the 'Mad Mage' back into the game.

What is interesting though is Tibia Wiki also mentioned the following on the 'Mad Mage' page:

'The roleplaying consequence of this issue was the (temporarily?) implementation of the Sane Mage, the sane version of the Mad Mage. During this time, Guide NPCs would say "The strange tower with the servants on Edron currently seems to be completely impassable because of a severe slime outbreak." instead of their usual answer, when asked about the masters voice.'

I would love to get some in game footage with him one day and was wondering if it is at all possible to find the Sane Mage in game or if there is confirmation of him returning in some form in the future. 

I note there are other bosses which are not typically in the game unless certain islands/world changes occur and sometimes only during test servers. 

Perhaps he can be found through those methods, or perhaps there is some confirmation of future implementation, but I haven't found any confirmation. 

If you know of a method one can do to see him in game or some confirmation of implementation it would be a huge help :)


2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,669 points)

Sane Mage was an NPC, not a boss monster.

While the devs were reworking Their Master's Voice World Change and it was temporarily impossible to face the boss monster Mad Mage, they added an NPC which had the same outfit of Mad Mage and a slightly different name: instead of Mad, this mage was Sane. When they reworked the MWC and players were able to spawn and kill the Mad Mage, its NPC "version" was removed from the game never to be added again.

by (850 points)
I see. So it definitely doesn't show up on test servers and there hasn't been any further mention from the  Dev' in their article? It is just the part I quoted 'the (temporarily?) implementation of the Sane Mage' from wiki indicated to me there may have been some mention or method.

I will wait a couple of days, if no further information is posted il select this as the best answer :)
by (1,669 points)
Oh, I see, the question mark after "temporarily" indicated it was unconfirmed. I just removed it and made some small changes to the Mad Mage's article.
by (850 points)
Oh nice work mate, thanks for adding that fix!
+1 vote
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

As Hunter already explained - it was just a "temporary solution" due to increased complains regarding bugs in the Mini World changes, and at the present Sane Mage is not active in the game.

I will be just adding CipSoft announcement - with exact dates relating to Sane Mage. 

The official announcement of implementing Sane Mage was on October 15 2013 (removed on August 12 2014- so it was beautiful 11 months of holidays;)- https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=2570&fbegind=30&fbeginm=7&fbeginy=2013&fendd=29&fendm=11&fendy=2013&flist=11111111

"Sometimes, even the maddest of mages needs a break to fight off the sanity that slowly creeps back into his mind. From today's server save on and until further notice, the mad mage is on vacation and does some soul-searching at the beach near his tower."

If you check the update thread when the Mini world changes were added July 06 2011- https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=3434041 - they were filled with many bugs. They have been reworked a lot and this was causing further- new bugs. 

Then Masters Voice World Change was revamped on Sept 13 2013 (Major Update 10.02)1 and on October 09 20132- this has increased number of bugs for this particular Miniworld change (loot issue etc). Kindly see at the thread there and Mirade stating3:

"Due to the adjustments that were made with the second part of the summer update, and also last week, the world change has become quite complex scripting-wise. Adding the rules to adjust the world change according to the feedback have made it quite complicated, and also error-prone. It is difficult and extremely time-consuming to maintain and test the world change due to all the possible side-effects, dependencies and conditions that might interfere.

After a careful review, we decided that the best approach is to script the whole quest anew to include the adjustments properly and right from the start instead of spending time with making quick fixes that only complicate the script even more. A proper re-scripting is a project that requires some time (both from content team as well as the test team), though, and cannot be squeezed in between the current winter update tasks and projects. Therefore, we decided to close the world change for some weeks until we find time to do this properly. We will do our best to re-open it as quickly as possible but it may take a while."

If you wish and you are more interesting, you can also find the following document from the contest when the Mad Mage was "missing"- https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Scientific_Contest_(Book)

Officaly Master's of Voice returned on August 12 20144.

Also, the world change "Their Master's Voice" is now accessible again. 

And even after this there was also another fix on 26th of August 2014. (most probably more after words). 

So... it was a long ride of fixing. 

1. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=2532


3. https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=35529957#post35529957

4. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=2852&fbegind=30&fbeginm=7&fbeginy=2014&fendd=29&fendm=8&fendy=2015&flist=11111111

5. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=2869&fbegind=30&fbeginm=7&fbeginy=2014&fendd=29&fendm=8&fendy=2015&flist=11111111

by (850 points)
Thank you for adding to Hunter's answer with your well researched and thorough response, it is a huge help and very interesting read, for those reasons I have selected this as the best answer.

It looks like Hunter amended the tibia wiki article as well, which is awesome!
by (1,669 points)
edited by
I don't see what directly related to the question Idontknow said that isn't already in the question itself or in my answer. The devs temporarily replaced the Mad by the Sane Mage because they had to rework its Mini World Change (due to bugs or negative player's feedback). This is what both answers say.
The question is clearly asking about if it is still possible to face the boss Sane Mage in either the live or test servers. Only my answer cleary approaches the issue: it was not a boss monster, it was an NPC, so even if a CipSoft member tries to summon it on a Test Server, it won't work. I also explained why the NPC was added and then removed (and why it won't be added to the game again), even though the person who made the answer had already provided sources that contain such info.
by (850 points)
I selected what I felt was the best answer, this doesn't mean your answer is not good, I just felt his answer provides more information, context, and source material, which not only helps me but anyone who comes across the question.

If you feel my decision is wrong, tag an admin and if they agree they will alter the best answer selection.

I still upvoted your answer since it was a good answer and I upvoted your comment in amending the Tibia Wiki article and made reference to it throughout my comments in hopes other people will upvote it as well.

Hope that helps.
by (1,669 points)
edited by
My point is, your question was not "What are the sources materials used to write the TibiaWiki article on the Sane Mage?" If your question was this, okay, the selected answer would fit better to it. Your post began giving the context of the question. When you get to the question itself, you say things like "I was wondering if it is at all possible to find the Sane Mage" and "I note there are other bosses which are not typically in the game unless certain islands/world changes occur and sometimes only during test servers".

The selected answer avoids the actual question and talks just about the context which was provideed on the question itself. By reading the question, one can noticed there was some misinterpretation of the facts. In order to address this, I gave a short a direct version of the context and answered by saying the Sane Mage will probably not return to Tibia and that it cannot even be summoned on a test server because it is not a creature, it was an NPC.