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Hey guys,

I bought my first Soultainter today and it came with the imbuements, Mana and Critical. I was wondering... Doesn't it would be better with Critical and Magic level? Any ms high lvl who can help me.
 Damage vs mana leech...

1 Answer

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by (248 points)
Best answer
I play with MS (lvl 780) sometimes and i like more with Mana+Critical, because I already have ML on helmet and this weapon is giving you a lot of damage because of the chances of critical, plus there's the damage spell.

Even if you work a lot with ur mana, is one more extra thing you need to check, and nowdays sorcerer does a lot on the hunt: 4 spells of damage, spells to increase damage, Uh the friend dying and the mana will be one more concern.

I always feel more comfortable using mana leech than magic level.
by (50 points)
I use that wand from 800lv now have 850. I think that wand is on higher level only use mlv and cryt. Why ? On bigger lv you need more mlv for better ultimate healing rune on ek. Second mana leach is good on druid (for better sio) if have problem with mana but if have problem with mana on 1 mana leach on ms you should be train some use manas.