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by (5,318 points)
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What are all ways of checking when my or someone else's familiar (aka summon) will disappear?

1 Answer

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by (1,582 points)
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Best answer

To see time left and master of summon need to use "look" on summon (Right-click > look or Shift + Left-click) and you should got similar message to this one: You see a knight familiar (Master: Krwiopalczasty). It will disappear in XX minutes and XX seconds. Ofc you can yours or someone else summon in this way.

Second way (only for your character) is by checking timer countdown in action bar where the spell is set up. 

by (5,523 points)
You may want to mention as well that you can see the timer countdown in the action bar if you have the spell there. The Familiar will disappear at the 15 minute mark typically unless you go into an area that will cause your Familiar to disappear temporarily (like a boss room). When this happens the timer pauses until the Familiar reappears.