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by (16 points)
Galthen, a former knight and adventurer, now dead, learns about the truth that lurks among the planegazers, where his discoveries have taken them and what clues he left behind?
by (5,318 points)
May I suggest to keep your question in less speculative tone? Otherwise it will be flagged, as we are avoiding speculative/ opinion-based questions. Kindly read https://www.tibiaqa.com/asking-what-to-avoid  & https://www.tibiaqa.com/asking-how-to-ask.

Additionally, the following question might answer what you are looking for:

On the contrary I am saying that Galthen went after these relics and one of them takes us to the interior of Bounac , it is not a speculation since in the new books mentioned he could have made other discoveries , I'm just questioning where these new places might be, since we've gained a box of artifacts that so far have no use.
by (5,318 points)
Artefacts*, not relics. Let's not mix up those two as Galthen also mention relics in his book- On Magic Paraphernalia, yet so far there is no sign of them.
What I meant, try to work on your question to be more specific what direction you are going to, with some background research and without speculations and assuming what will be next update about - because your main question sounds like it. :)
Not comparing artifacts with relics but the written text quoted in the book On Magic Paraphernalia cites relics or am I crazy?

(I Magical Weapons - The Ends Justify the Needs
II Magical Potions - In Wine there is Truth, in Water there is Health
III Magical Contraptions - The Biter will be Bitten
IV Spells - As the Question, so the Answer
V Artefacts - Classifaction and Organization
VI Relics - Seek and you shall find ****************************
VII Courses (abridged)
VIII Appendices)
just to understand better :)
by (5,318 points)
Ofcourse, You can compare, but they seem to be two separate things (each Tome is about different topic, different "expertise" of  Parphernalia), this is why i said not to mix them up yet- even though from definition, some Artefacts can be named also Relics. :).

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