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by (1,274 points)
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When the guild wars on open pvp servers, many end up banning neutrals or anyone else from making bosses as follows, the low level character [A] opens the Battle Mode situation on another character [B] who ends up going to a boss and another character ends up not being able to pull it. Character [A] ends up hiding in some situation with a creature so as not to lose battle mode with character [B].

Is it a bug situation? is it reportable?

1 Answer

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by (58 points)

Hello, yes, it is considered an action that avoids others to enjoy game. Trolling game in that way can make you get banned. If you are one of those who do it i reccomend you stopping, otherwise, if you see someone doing it report to cipsoft using the next text:

Good day, the reason for the report in "GAME WORLD" is due to people are blocking the boses,  the method of use is to stay in the levers, and open a pvp situation with char lv 8 in order not to be pushed and troll all our server, it is for this reason that our world is organized to report these causes and hopefully consider and take action on the matter since people are having a bad time not being able to make the content of our game that we love so much. waiting for your prompt solution to our problems, thank you
